Chef blog: part 2

Automated Deployment met VMware en Chef - Development omgevingen

Part two in the series about Cyso's DevOps related projects, focusing on automatic deployment of machines. Part one is here. The article is in Dutch, because this post has also been posted to Cyso's blog. Waar waren we gebleven In het vorige deel heb ik de concepten achter mijn visie over Automated Deployment uitgelegd. Kortgezegd zijn er drie stappen: aanmaken, installeren en configureren. Afhankelijk van het doel van de uiteindelijk beoogde machine kan voor elke stap de beste tool gekozen worden....

November 29, 2013 · 11 min
Chef blog: part 1

Automated Deployment met VMware en Chef - Inleiding

I have created a blog post about what I've been doing the last couple of months at Cyso. Recently I've been able to stop focusing on development, and start doing more DevOps related projects. Two of these were quite successful internally, so I have taken the time to document it in the form of blog posts. Below is the first of probably three blog posts, focusing on automatic deployment of machines....

June 25, 2013 · 9 min